A safe experience

The safety of our guests is paramount. All the shamans who work at Pandorita have many years of experience in holding ceremonies and in the responsible use of the teacher plant in its traditional context. Your well-being is our priority, both in and out of ceremonies, and to guide you through deep personal healing and growth. We provide a caring, contained, and protected environment to work with the teacher plant and ensure your welfare at all times.

This is our way for your Shipibo Workshop
to be an unforgettable positive experience.

We have a risk management program in place and have implemented the following measures and practices:

  • Protocols for emergencies to handle them effectively and minimize the harm of any accident
  • Fully equipped first aid kit including snake bite anti-venom, anti-histamines, etc.
  • Contract with local medicinal clinics in Puerto Jimenez and Golfito in case of an emergency that we cannot handle
  • 24-hour boat transport to Puerto Jimenez and Golfito in case of emergency
  • After ceremony care by sitter who stays on until 3 to 4 am in the ceremonial Maloca
  • Highly experienced shamans and facilitators.
  • All plant brews provided at Pandorita retreat are based on a pure and traditional formula with no other admixtures.